Features and Function
HDG2000 Series Arbitrary Waveform Generator
SOURce1: FUNCtion: PULSe: DCYCle 30
4. Edge Times
The edge times set the transition times for the leading and trailing edges of the pulse, either
independently or together. The edge time represents the time between the 10% and 90%
Edge time: default 1
The specified edge time must fit within the specified pulse width as shown above. The
instrument will adjust the edge time to accommodate the specified pulse width.
Front Panel:
SOURce<n>:FUNCtion:PULSe:TRANsition:TRAiling <seconds>|MINimum|MAXimum
For example:
a) Set leading time of the channel 1 to 10ns,
SOURce1:FUNCtion:PULSe:TRANsition:LEADing 0.00000001
b) Set trailing time of the channel 1 to 10ns SOURce1:FUNCtion:PULSe:TRANsition:TRAiling
3.3 Amplitude Modulation (AM) and Frequency Modulation
A modulated waveform consists of a carrier waveform and a modulating waveform. In AM, the
carrier amplitude is varied by the voltage level of the modulating waveform. In FM, the carrier
frequency is varied by the voltage level of the modulating waveform. The instrument accepts an
internal, external or external trig modulation source. One channel can modulate the other.
Select AM or FM before setting up any other modulation parameter.
To Select AM or FM
The instrument allows only one modulation mode to be enabled on a channel. When you enable
AM or FM, all other modulations are off. The two channels’ modulations are independent from one
another, and the instrument can add modulated waveforms from two channels.
The instrument will not allow AM or FM to be enabled with sweep or burst. Enabling AM or FM,
turns off sweep and burst.