Features and Function
HDG2000 Series Arbitrary Waveform Generator
20% Duty Cycle 80% Duty Cycle
Duty Cycle: 0.001% to 99.996% at low frequencies; range reduced at higher frequency. Stored
in volatile memory; default 50%.
Front Panel:
If you use the keypad, press
ENT button
to finish:
SOURce<n>:FUNCtion:SQUare:DCYCle <percent>|MINimum|MAXimum
Symmetry (Ramp Waves)
Applies to ramp waves only. Symmetry represents the fraction of each cycle that the ramp wave is
0% Symmetry 100% Symmetry
The symmetry (default 50%) is stored in volatile memory; and is remembered when you change
to and from other waveforms.
When ramp is the modulating waveform for AM, FM, PM, or PWM, the symmetry setting does
not apply.
Front Panel:
SOURce<n>:FUNCtion:RAMP:SYMMetry <symmetry>|MINimum|MAXimum
SOURce<n>: FUNCtion:RAMP:SYMMetry? [MINimum|MAXimum]