Waveform Generation Tutorial
HDG2000 Series Arbitrary Waveform Generator
5. To modify other parameters, please refer to <Generation Of A Sine Wave Function>
Note: Not do modulation and frequency sweep for noise wave.
4.6 Generation of An Arb. Wave Function
Please follow these steps to output arb wave:
1. Press Arb wave button in the front panel, and if the waveform is setting as <modulation mode>,
<sweep mode> or <burst mode>, please turn the mode off;
2. The default waveform for Arbitrary wave is DC wave, To modify the current type of arbitrary
wave,when in the main menu of the arbitrary wave, press F6 to enter page 2 of the menu, press
the F2 key to enter wave type submenu, then use F1 to F6 function keys to select the waveform
and press the F0 key to return to the main menu;
3. Press channel output button in the front panel to open channel waveform output switch, then the
button is lighting;
4. Oscilloscope shows arb wave.
5. To modify other parameters, please refer to <Generation Of A Sine Wave Function>
6. To change the parameters after being highlighted, user can use the front panel knobs and
digital keyboard to input parameter values. Please refer to the <Method of inputting parameters>.
7. If <User-Defined Waveforms> is choosed, browse the machine internal dev (FLASH device) or
an external storage device (<Usb Storage Device> or<SD card>), choose the waveform file suffix
for hwf.
8. If <User-Defined Waveforms> is choosed, the <Sampling Frequency of Arbitrary Wave> and
<Magnification Of Arbitrary Wave> params can be modified.
Note: user-defined waveform file can be generated by itself or using other tools.
4.7 Generation of A Harmonic Wave Function
Please follow these steps to output harmonic wave.
1. Press Harmonic wave button in the front panel, and if the waveform is setting as <modulation
mode>, <sweep mode> or <burst mode>, please turn the mode off;
2. Press channel output button in the front panel open channel waveform output switch, then the
button is lighting;
3. To modify the order of the <Harmonic Wave>, press F4 button when in the harmonic wave
menu, then the button is lighting. Use the knob and digital keyboard to modify parameter values;