Step 6.
Adjust the aileron torque rod length by screwing in or
out until the aileron is exactly in the neutral position when the
servo is centered and the clevis is in the aileron horn. Adjust
both sides.
Assembling the Pushrods
Rudder Pushrod
Step 7.
Locate one of the threaded rods, one piece of the extra
length of rod from Step 2 in the previous section, one piece of
the yellow heat shrink tubing, one clevis and one of the balsa
pushrods dowels.
Step 8.
Using a sharp hobby knife or a pair of scissors, cut the
heat shrink into two equal pieces.
Step 9.
Cut 7
of the threaded rod measured from the threaded
end. This rod will be used to attach the clevis to the rudder
control horn.
Step 10.
Using needle nose pliers, bend a 90 degree angle
from the unthreaded end of the threaded rod.
Step 11.
Insert the 90-degree bend into the hole of the balsa
dowel and saturate the balsa with thick CA glue where the rod
contacts the balsa.
Step 12.
Slide a piece of heat shrink tubing over the end of the
balsa dowel and shrink it in place using a heat gun.
Step 13.
Locate the extra length of rod from Step 2 in the
previous section. Using a pair of needle nose pliers, make a 90-
degree bend 1/4
from one end of this rod.
Step 14.
Insert the 90-degree bend into the remaining hole of
the balsa dowel and saturate it with thick CA glue where the rod
contacts the balsa
Section 16: Installing the Linkages