Step 1.
Locate the fuel tank and the fuel tank accessory bag.
You will also find the foam collar in the large parts bag.
Step 2.
Insert the short aluminum tube into one of the open
shoes in the black rubber stopper so that an equal amount of the
tube extends from either side. This tube will be used as the fuel
tank pickup tube, connecting fuel to the carburetor of the motor. A
second short aluminum tube is for use as an optional “fill” tube.
Step 3.
Locate the longer aluminum tube and bend it with your
fingers as shown. This tube will be the fuel tank vent tube. It will
be connected to the pressure fitting of your motor’s muffler when
the engine is plumbed in Section 17.
Section 9: Assembling & Installing the Fuel Tank
• Fuel tank
• Fuel tubing (not supplied)
• Fuel clunk
• Aluminum tube, short (pickup)
• Aluminum tube, short (optional fill tube)
• Aluminum tube, long (vent)
• Silicone tubing
• Rubber stopper
• 2.6mm self-tapping screw
• Fuselage
• Foam collar
• Medium Phillips screwdriver
• Hobby knife
Parts Needed
Tools and Adhesives Needed