Step 5.
Once the wing dowels are dry, trial fit the wing to the
fuselage by inserting the leading edge of the wing into the dowel
holes in the fuselage and placing the wing trailing edge in its
relative position on the fuselage.
Some trimming of the bolt holes may be necessary in
the following steps when the wing alignment is
Step 6.
For a reference point, place a small piece of masking
tape centered on the bottom of the aft part of the fuselage. This
point will be the reference point to determine the wing alignment
in the next step.
Step 7.
Bolt the wing to the fuselage. Turn the aircraft upside
down and, using a ruler, hold one end of the ruler on the
fuselage reference point you made, and the other end of the ruler
to one of the wing panel ailerons. Measure the distance. Next,
measure the distance of the other wing panel, using the
reference point to the other wing aileron, just as you did before.
Adjust the wing until you measure the same distance for both
wing panels. To make minor adjustments, you may have to
slightly enlarge the wing bolt holes with a small file.
Section 4: Mounting the Wing