Step 9.
Before installing the servo tray, place the servos into
each opening and mark the screw hole locations.
Step 10.
Remove the servos and trial fit the servo tray into the
fuselage. It helps if the fuselage is upside down and held in a
secure manner for this procedure. Some trimming of the servo
tray may be required for a good fit. Once you are satisfied with
the fit, mix 1/4 ounce of 12-minute epoxy and apply it to the
servo tray and fuselage where the servo tray will rest. Allow the
epoxy to cure completely before proceeding
Step 8.
Trim the front windshield and trial fit it to the fuselage.
Once you are satisfied with the fit, use canopy glue to install the
windshield. Use masking tape to hold the windshield in place
while the glue dries. Let the glue cure completely.
Included in your Cherokee kit are trim lines for
detailing the top of your fuselage. Align the trim lines
up with the existing panel lines on the fuselage to
complete the scale trim scheme.
Section 5: Assembling the Fuselage