Merley Boiler Sequence Controller
5950 input H1
min flow temp setpoint
5952 min flow temp setpoint H1
default is 70c, change to the required temp
if higher temp is required then use
the variable temp setup below and set 740/741 to the required setting.
5710 heating circuit 1
This can be set to off to stop the need for an external sensor being required.
External enable variable temp sensors required: common flow sensor and outside temperature
5950 input H1
use default
operating mode changeover HC
900 optg mode changeover
option 1
set to comfort and zero all internal time programs.
Note summer/winter
heating limit will not operate with this option.
Option 2 set to Automatic and set internal heating program to 24/7
this option
allow the summer/winter heating limit to remain active.
*Option 1 can also be used when an internal clock setup is used but an additional external switching is
required such as a time extension countdown clock commonly used in schools. However, in this case the
internal time programs will simply be left at whatever the site has requested for their normal operational
time switching.
720 heating curve slope
a setting of 3 here will give 80c at 0c outside when the comfort setpoint is at its
default of 20.
732 24
hour heating limit
this can turn off heating within normal operating hours and can also extend it
outside of normal operating hours which can result if problems especially if the Merley is not controlling the
pump run times. In general turn this function off.(set to
740/741 flow temp min/max
these two parameters set the range within which the slope will operate. For
fixed temp systems then set both these to the required fixed temp.
Remember on non
condensing boilers the min flow
temp setting should be set high enough to ensure that the boilers do NOT run in condensing temperature ranges.
750 room influence
default is 20% set to 0 on systems with no internal sensor. Otherwise the higher the
figure in here the more the heating will be influenced by the internal sensor instead of the external temp
730 summer/winter heating limit
switches off the heating when the outside temperature gets to this level,
function can be switched off (set to
) if required.
if the dhw time program is to be the same as for heating circuit, leave parameter 1620 at the default
setting. If the dhw time program is to be different to the heating circuit, set parameter 1620 to ¦ time
program 4/DHW or 24hr/day ¦ as required.
Charging Priority
parameter 1630 set to ¦ none ¦
Legionaella function
so as to comply with the requirements of L8, set parameter 1640 to ¦ Periodically ¦
parameter 1641 to ¦ 1 ¦ , parameter 1644 as required & parameter 1646 to ¦ 60 ¦.
DHW Storage Tank
in controlling a DHW tank, set parameter 5022 to ¦ with B3 ¦, parameter 5050 to
¦ 65°C ¦, parameter 5062 as required.
if the device is controlling DHW, parameter 5731 defines if a sensor or thermostat is being
used. Set as required.
If the tank heat source is to be supplemented by an
Electric Immersion Heater
, set parameter 5890 to
¦ Electric Immersion Heater ¦ .
lead strategy
late on/early off (cascade) late on/late off (default) early on/late off (unison type setting)
setting late on/late off then setting
to 0% and
to 100% will disable the strategy completely
3530 Release integral source
default is 50 but essentially decreasing this figure switches the next boiler
on quicker
3531 Reset integral source
default is 20 decreasing this figure switches the boilers off at a faster rate
3532 Restart lock
default is 300 seconds prevents a deactivated boiler from being released again until this
time has been reached
3533 Switch on delay
default is 5 mins prevents too frequent switching actions of boilers (anti
(3510, 3530 and 3531 are all OEM level settings, password required)
The default setting for the auto changeover of lead boiler parameter 3540, should be set to 50.
10v control sensors required: common flow sensor
5950 input H1
set to heat request 0
5954 temperature value 10v H1
default is 100c set to whatever you require as the temp when external
control gives 10v. As the bottom end cannot be moved adjusting this to above 100 is sometimes required
but in these cases the external signal tends to be used as a mid
range signal 4
6v for example.
5710 heating circuit 1
this can be set to off to stop the need for an external sensor being required.