Subject to change without notice
status (“[x]” active or “[ ]” inactive), name of the result (e.g.
“MAT3”), “=”, function (e.g. “ADD” = addition), “(first
operand, second operand)”. Note: The display of the second
operand depends on the selected function.
The pushbuttons below the arrow symbols select the
equation line and items within that line.
“Use INT./FOC. knob to select” describes the function of
this knob in respect to the equation item just highlighted.
The following listing shows all possibilities offered under
different items.
39.1.1 Result name:
“MAT1”, “MAT2”, “MAT3”. Each result is stored in a
volatile memory.
39.1.2 Functions:
„ADD“ (addition) operand 1 (addend) plus operand 2
„SUB“ (subtraction) operand 1 (minuend) minus operand
2 (subtrahend).
„MUL“ (multiplication) operand 1 (multiplier) multiplied
by operand 2 (multiplicand).
„DIV“ (division) operand 1 (dividend) divided by operand 2
„SQ“ (square) square operand 1.
„INV“ (negation) reverse operand 1.
„1/“ (reciprocal value) 1 divided by operand 1.
„ABS“ (absolute value) negative signed operand 1
becomes positive (e.g. 4.3 instead of – 4.3).
„POS“ (positive value) result of operand 1 are numbers >
0. Numbers < 0 (negative) and 0 are displayed as 0.
„NEG“ (negative value) result of operand 1 are numbers <
0. Numbers >0 (positive) and 0 are displayed as 0.
39.1.3 Operand 1, Operand 2.
Depending on the selected function, the following
settings can be made for operand 1 and/or 2 if present and
39.1.3 “MAT1”, “MAT2”, “MAT3”: A result which had
been calculated before under one of those names can be
used as an operand in this equation line. “CH1”, “CH2”: Enables the use of one of these
signals as an operand. “Number(s)” (with or without unit); the readout
additionally offers an “Edit” function. A number selected
by the aid of the “Edit” function becomes assigned to an
operand and serves as a constant.
After “Edit” has been called, the arrow keys and the INT./
FOC. (3) knob can be used to select “numbers, decimal
point and units”. Pressing the pushbutton allocated to
“Set”, switches back to the equation and inputs the
previous (edited) setting.
39.1.4 Mathematic ON/OFF and equation selection:
Pressing and holding the MATH [39] pushbutton auto-
matically switches the mathematic function ON and shows
the MATHEMATIC menu.
Underneath the five equation lines one additional line
is displayed with the information “[ ] Display = MAT..”.
If this line is activated (one item highlighted) the
equation - to be displayed later – can be chosen (MAT1,
MAT2, MAT3) and the mathematic function can be
switched ON ([x]) or OFF ([ ]) by pressing the [x]/[ ]
Pressing and holding opens the CAL. FREQUENCY menu,
which offers DC and AC (1Hz to 1MHz) voltage signals.
The “0.2Vpp” (36) marked socket serves as an output for
the selected signal.
1Hz – 1MHz
These AC square wave signals can be used for probe
adjustment and judgement of the frequency response. As
the frequency and the pulse duty factor accuracy are not
important for such purposes, these values are not specified
and are therefore relatively inaccurate.
(36) 0.2Vpp
Concentric socket
This socket serves as the output for the signals described
under item CAL. SEL. (35). The output impedance is
approx. 50 Ohm. For high impedance loads (Oscilloscope
approx. 1M Ohm, Digital Voltmeter approx. 10M Ohm)
the output voltage is either 0.2 Volt DC or 0.2Vpp (AC,
square wave).
Under “First Time Operation” section “Probe compen-
sation and use” the most important applications of this
signal can be found.
(37) CT
Pushbutton and 4mm banana jack
Briefly pressing the pushbutton switches the instrument
over from oscilloscope to “Component Tester” mode and
vice versa.
This mode is indicated by the READOUT which displays
”Component Tester”
One test lead is connected to the CT socket. The second
test lead uses the ground socket
Please note ”Component T
Please note ”Component T
Please note ”Component T
Please note ”Component T
Please note ”Component Tester”.
The maximum test voltage is approx. 20Vpp under open
circuit conditions, while the max. test current under short
circuit condition is approx. 20mApp.
Briefly pressing the CT pushbutton switches back to the
previous oscilloscope operating conditions.
Pushbutton with dedicated M/R LED.
This pushbutton is active only if either a “mathematic
signal” (result of a mathematic operation) or a reference
signal is displayed.
Briefly pressing switches the M/R LED on or off. On
condition the M/R LED lit, the Y-POS/CURS.I (6) becomes
the Y position control for the “mathematic signal” or the
reference signal. The M/R LED extinguishes automatically
if the CUR (7) LED is switched on.
[39] CALC – MATH
Pushbutton with double function.
39.1 MATH
Pressing and holding causes the display of the MATHE-MATIC
menu. It consists of 5 serially numbered lines (1. to 5.), in
which equations can be input. Each line is – from left to right
- structured in the following way: line number (e.g. “1.”),
Controls and readout