Subject to change without notice
assigned to the short CURSOR line (SELECT (34)) which
must then be set to the pulse end position (4 div. after the
pulse start). Corresponding to the ratio of pulse duration
to period length (4:5 = 0.8) “0.8” will be displayed.
Same function as described before under “Ratio”. The
measurement result is displayed in % (unit).
Angle measurement referring to the CURSOR line
distances. The distance between the long CURSOR lines
should cover one signal period, equivalent to 360°. Angle
measurement then can be performed by shifting the short
CURSOR line. Additional information can be found in
section “Operating modes of the vertical amplifiers in Yt
mode” under “Phase difference measurement in DUAL
Determination of the value for “pi” referring to the
CURSOR line distances. The equivalent for “2 pi” is one
sine wave period; thus the distance between the long
CURSOR lines must be 1 period. If the distance between
the long CURSOR in left hand position and the short
CURSOR line referring to it is 1.5 periods, “3 pi” will be
32.2.7 Ratio Y
(display “ratio:Y, measured value, unit”)
Analog and digital mode.
Ratio Y measurement causes the display of two long and one
short CURSOR lines and is enabled only in Yt (time base) mode.
Briefly pressing the UNIT (35) pushbutton switches over
between the ratio (unnamed) and ratio in %.
The long CURSOR line in the lower position always serves
as the reference line. A “–“ (minus) sign indicates
measurement results if the short CURSOR line is placed
below the reference line.
The distance between both long CURSOR lines is
equivalent to1.
Example: If the distance between the long CURSOR lines
is 6 div. and the short CURSOR line is activated (SELECT
(34)) and set 4 div. above the reference CURSOR line, the
ratio is 4:6, causing “0.667” (without unit) to be displayed
The only difference between previous item “Ratio” and
“%” is that the distance between the long CURSOR lines
is equivalent to100% and the measuring result is displayed
as a % value.
32.2.8 Gain
(display “gain: measured value, unit”)
Analog and digital mode.
Ratio measurement of signal voltages by the aid of two
long and two short CURSOR lines; enabled only in Yt (time
base) mode.
Briefly pressing the UNIT (35) pushbutton selects ratio
(unnamed), % or dB.
The application of Gain measurement depends whether
one or two signals are displayed.
1. One signal (CH I, CH II or “add” mode).
A measurement can be made on one signal before and
after a signal frequency change.
The distance between the long CURSOR lines serves as
the reference value. The measured value is calculated from
the distance between the short CURSOR lines compared
to the reference value.
This method is suitable to determine e.g. the oscilloscope‘s
frequency response.
2. DUAL mode.
Enables two port measurements (amplifier, attenuator) by
determination of the ratio of input and output voltages. For
correct measuring results you must determine which
channel is applied to the input and output ports respectively.
Both long CURSOR lines must be placed on the channel I
signal while the short CURSOR lines must be set on the
channel II signal.
Briefly pressing the SOURCE pushbutton calls a menu
which offers “g1
2:“ and “g2
1:“. The selection of the
required setting can then be made by briefly pressing the
SOURCE pushbutton until the setting is highlighted. If
channel I is connected to the input and channel II the output
of the two ports, “g1
2:“ must be chosen. Conversely if
the channels are reversed choose “g2
32.2.9 rms
(display “rms: channel, measured value”)
Digital mode only.
This function calculates and displays the rms (effective)
value of any signal period between the CURSOR lines. To
ensure that there is exactly one signal period between the
CURSOR lines, the SET (32) function can be called.
In cases where a signal consists of several signal periods
with different heights, the CURSOR lines must be set
manually to select the desired period. The measured value
is related to the signal part between the CURSOR lines,
which must be exactly one period.
DC contents are taken into account if DC input coupling is
The “channel” to which the measurement result relates,
can be selected by the SOURCE (33) function. The
“channels” are indicated as “Y1” (channel I), “Y2” (channel
II) and “M” (MATH signal); their availability depends on the
actual operating mode.
32.2.10 avg
(display “avg: channel, measured value”)
Digital mode only.
This measurement function calculates and displays the
average value of the signal within the CURSOR lines. DC
contents are taken into account if DC input coupling is
The “channel” to which the measurement result relates,
can be selected by the SOURCE (33) function. The
“channels” are indicated as “Y1” (channel I), “Y2” (channel
II) and “M” (MATH signal); their availability depends on the
actual operating mode.
32.2.11 Peak Peak
(display “pp: channel, measured value, unit”)
Digital mode only.
Automatically detects and marks (by triangle symbols) the
maximum amplitude difference in a sector determined by
two vertical CURSOR lines. The triangle symbols position
automatically and follow amplitude changes.
The UNIT (35) pushbutton can be used to switch over to
time difference measurement. Then the time difference
between the triangle symbols is displayed.
Controls and readout