Subject to change without notice
Controls and readout
Digital mode.
22.3 Time defelction coefficient setting in Yt (time base) mode.
In principle time coefficients from 100s/div to 100ns/div can be
set, conditional upon the signal display and the channel operating
mode. The switching sequence is 1-2-5.
As in analog mode the time coefficient is displayed by the
readout (e.g. “500ns”).
Supplementary information is
displayed below with the following meaning:
is displayed in those time base settings when the signal
capture is performed by random sampling. It enables the
capture and display of signals which can not be captured
in real time sampling mode, as the signal frequency is too
high. For single event capture (SINGLE) random sampling
is not available as random assumes continuously repeating
indicates the sampling rate actually used by the A/D
converter (time base dependent). The sampling rate
indicates the number of samples per second.
is displayed as long as the signal capture is not completed.
The letter a indicates alternate real time signal capture in
DUAL mode in 2µs/div time base setting. In this case only,
the signal capture alternates between channel one and
two, after a complete signal capture for each channel is
replaces all other symbols, if aliasing (alias signal display)
appears. Aliasing occurs if a signal is sampled with less
then 2 samples per period.
22.3.1 Time deflection coefficient ranges.
22.4 Sampling rates in XY mode.
In digital XY mode the signals must be converted from
analog to digital. The sampling rate is displayed instead of
the time deflection coefficient and can be selected by the
TIME/DIV knob.
It is recommended to capture and display the signals in
DUAL mode and choose a suitable time coefficient
which enables you to see the higher frequency signal
with at least one signal period and then to switch over
to XY mode.
With large frequency differences between two signals,
the digital XY mode becomes less suitable. The best
display quality is present in analog mode.
Pushbutton with several functions.
All functions are only available in analog mode!
ON/OFF function:
Pressing and holding this pushbutton switches over between
delayed and undelayed time base mode. The actual setting
is indicated by the READOUT. The delayed time base
operation enables a magnified display in X direction which is
otherwise only possible with a second time base.
1. Undelayed time base mode.
If on the right of the trigger READOUT information (source,
slope, coupling) neither “sea”, “del” nor “dTr” is indicated,
undelayed time base mode is present.
Note: When the intensity modulation function is switched
on, the letter “Z” is visible in this position on the screen.
2. Delayed time base mode.
Is indicated by the READOUT showing “sea”, “del” or
“dTr”. If intensity modulation was chosen before switching
over to delay time base mode, this function is automatically
switched off and consequently the letter “Z” deleted.
Switching over from undelayed to delayed time base
mode automatically selects “sea” (search) mode. Briefly
pressing the pushbutton then opens a pulldown menu
for operating mode selection. Please Note “B: Menu
Display and Operation”.
The following description assumes that in undelayed time
base mode the trace starts at left edge of the graticule,
with x10 X MAG.
. switched off.
1.) *: indicates relative sampling rates
2.) repetitive: describes periodically repeating signals