Instruction Manual PSx3xxEC
After the supply voltage has been hooked up, a positioning or manual run can begin
2.8.1 Positioning sequence (with loop)
- To be able to control the drive with the help of PDOs, it has to be switched to the ESM
state “operational”.
- Transfer target value:
- PDO with control word = 0x14 and desired target value
- PDO with control word = 0x10 and target value in SDO #2001
Drive begins run
- Abort run by resetting the release bit:
- PDO with control word = 0x00
- SDO #2024 with value 0x00 (if pre-operational)
- If a new target value is transferred during a positioning run, the device will
immediately proceed to the new target. There will be no interruption if the direction of
rotation does not need to be altered.
- If a manual run is transmitted during a positioning run, the positioning run will be
aborted (speed will be reduced to that of a manual run) and the device proceeds with
the manual run.
The following sequence of steps is also possible:
Starting situation: release has not been set
- Transfer target value:
- PDO with control word = 0x04 and desired target value
- PDO with control word = 0x10 and target value in SDO #2001
- Set release:
- PDO with control word = 0x10
- SDO #2024 with value 0x10 (if pre-operational)
Drive begins run
2.8.2 Positioning sequence (without loop)
The sequence corresponds to that of a positioning run without loop. In order to do a
positioning run with loop
, first the run the parameter “length of loop” has to be set to the
desired value.
- Start manual run (transmit PDO with control word = 0x11 resp. 0x12 or, if pre-
operational, transmit SDO #2024 with value 0x11 resp. 0x12): device begins to run
- End manual run by clearing the manual run command (transmit PDO with control
word = 0x10 or, if pre-operational, transmit SDO #2024 with value 0x10) or by
deasserting release (transmit PDO with control word = 0x00 or, if pre-operational,
transmit SDO #2024 with value 0x00).
- Transferring a target value during a manual run will end the manual run and the
device will immediately move on to the transmitted position (PDO with control word =
0x14 and desired target value). If pre-operational, target value in SDO #2001. The
drive then automatically deasserts the manual run bits in the control word (bits 0 and