Order h49 7144.907-333
9.5.7 Curve overview
The caption of the diagram is stored under Curve Overview.
You can see all the curves added to the diagram here. The
name of the curve is displayed in the color in which the curve
is shown in the diagram.
The color of the curves can be changed [see chapter
»Speed/force diagram settings«]. The color is as-
signed in the order in which the curves are added to
the diagram. That means that the first added curve
gets the color that is saved for »Curve 1«.
1. Click the »Curve overview« button.
9.5.8 Exporting a curve
The curve can be exported as a CSV-formatted file or as an
All curves displayed in the diagram are exported.
CSV-formatted file
1. Click the »CSV Export« button.
The measurement is opened as an Excel file. It shows the
name of the curve and columns for the speed and force val-
1. Click the »JPG Export« button.
The measurement is opened as a JPG file.