Operating instructions • Betriebsanleitung • TOPlift L+ edition
Rescue procedure from below
1 unconscious person in the
service lift
To rescue an unconscious person from a service lift, climb the access
ladder to the service lift with the rescue hoist.
Open the door by using the emergency release from outside and
carefully pushing up the shutter door.
Risk of falling out of the door!
Make sure that persons are secured with their personal fall
protection equipment (PFPE) to the attachment point in the
cabin before opening the ladder door.
Secure both of you to the attachment points. Check whether the
service lift is operational or can be manually lowered. If not, make
sure that the service lift is suspended in its fall arrester and that the
emergency stop button is actuated.
Rescue the unconscious person as follows:
Attach the short end of the rescue hoist rope to the second
attachment point and fasten the rescue hoist to your harness. Fasten
the unconscious person to the rescue hoist as well.
Then, unfasten yourself and the unconscious person from the service
lift and descend using the rescue hoist.
Fig. 112: Rescue from below, with 1 unconscious person