"DALI Gateway C00Cx2" software
Functional description
Seite 86 von 130
Setting the response to a scene recall
A scene can be configured whether the light intensity dims to or instantly jumps to the scene brightness
values for the assigned groups. Thus a scene recall can be executed independent of the adjusted
dimming response of the groups.
The response to a scene recall can be separately configured for each scene.
Set the "Response to a scene recall?" parameter in the "Scenes - [x] scene name" parameter node
to "Jump to".
The scene brightness values of the relevant scene will be immediately jumped to in case of a recall.
Set the "Response to a scene recall" parameter in the "Scenes - [x] scene name" parameter node to
"Dim". At the same time, define the time required to dim to the scene brightness value.
The brightness will be dimmed to the scene brightness values of the relevant scene. The dim fading
is now activated. The time parameter defines the time of the dimming required to reach the scene
brightness value. The brightness value of a group that starts with the dimming has no significance.
Thus the dimming in case of a scene recall always requires the exact specified time.