"DALI Gateway C00Cx2" software
Seite 129 von 130
[x] Scene (x = 1 … 16) The name of the scene can be edited and will be displayed in the node.
0 … 28 characters
At this point the scene can be assigned a
unique name (e.g. ”Lecture”, Meeting
large”). The project name will be displayed
in the group view in the left plug-in window.
The name serves as a better orientation in
the plug-in. The name will not be
programmed into the device.
Priority for scene to
disable / forced-control
Higher priority
Lower priority
Since the activation of the scene functions
affect several groups and can therefore act
on several groups at the same time, the
priority to the group-oriented disable or
forced-control position function must be
The scene function has a higher priority
and will override a disable or forced-control
position function for the groups
incorporated in the scene. The disable or
forced-control position, however, will not be
terminated. Only the scene brightness will
be adjusted.
The scene function has a lower priority and
cannot be executed for the groups
incorporated in the scene if a disable or
forced-control position function has been
activated for these groups at the time of the
scene recall.
Response to a scene
Jump to
Dim 0.7 s
Dim 1.0 s
Dim 1.4 s
Dim 2.0 s
Dim 2.8 s
Dim 4.0 s
Dim 5.7 s
Dim 8.0 s
Dim 11.3 s
Dim 16.0 s
Dim 22.5 s
Dim 32.0 s
Dim 45.3 s
Dim 64.0 s
Dim 90.5 s
During a scene recall, the parameterized or
restored scene brightness values will be
set for the affected DALI groups. At this
point it is possible to determine whether the
brightness value will be instantly jumped to
or whether the light intensity will dim to the
brightness value.
In addition, the fading time for the dimming
can be preset (DALI specific). This time
ensures that during a scene recall all DALI
groups will reach the provided brightness
values at the same time.
Example: When set to “Dim 2.0 s”, the time
required during a dimming to reach a
specified scene brightness will take exactly
2 s independent of the initial dimming