"DALI Gateway C00Cx2" software
Functional description
Seite 39 von 130
Feedback for DALI short-circuit
The DALI Gateway detects short-circuits in the DALI line – for instance in case of an installation error.
As soon as a short-circuit has been identified in the DALI line (with mains voltage applied), the DALI
Gateway will send a feedback to the KNX/EIB if the feedback function has been enabled for a DALI
The DALI Gateway utilizes the independent “DALI short-circuit” 1-bit communication object 212 for a
DALI short-circuit feedback. The polarity of the telegram is preset: (no short-circuit = 0, short-circuit = 1)
Setting the feedback for DALI short-circuit
The ETS allows to set parameters that determine whether a DALI feedback on a short-circuit is to be
transmitted to the KNX/EIB. If enabled, the telegram is always actively transmitted. If a short-circuit has
been detected or eliminated, the Gateway will transmit a feedback telegram in each case.
Set the "DALI short-circuit feedback ?” parameter on the "General" parameter page to "Yes".
The DALI short-circuit feedback is activated and the communication object is enabled.
Set the "DALI short-circuit feedback ?” parameter on the "General" parameter page to "No".
The DALI short-circuit feedback function is deactivated. The communication object is hidden.
The connected DALI devices will also respond to a short-circuit in the DALI line. The devices will
adjust to the preset "SystemFailureLevel". This value will be programmed into the DALI devices
during the commissioning of the DALI Gateway and corresponds to the “Response to bus voltage
failure” value that can be parameterized in the ETS for each group.
Because the brightness of the connected DALI devices might possibly change in case of a short-
circuit ("SystemFailureLevel"), the DALI Gateway will also transmit feedback on the switching state
and brightness value to the bus if these feedback functions have been enabled.
Feedback on a DALI short-circuit can only be transmitted if the bus voltage has been connected and
switched on at the time of the short-circuit.
In case no bus voltage has been connected or switched on at the time of the short-circuit, there will
also be no feedback transmission. The feedback, however, will be stored so it can be transmitted at
a later time after the bus voltage has been applied.
The DALI Gateway initializes after the ETS programming or after the mains voltage has been
applied. If a short-circuit has been detected in the DALI line, the Gateway will proceed to transmit the
corresponding feedback telegram. The “DALI short-circuit” will not be automatically transmitted to the
bus after the return of bus voltage (mains voltage at the Gateway is permanently switched on during
bus failure).