"DALI Gateway C00Cx2" software
Functional description
Seite 61 von 130
Activating brightness value feedback
The brightness value feedback can be used as an active message object or as a passive status object.
In case of an active message object the brightness value feedback telegram will also be directly
transmitted to the bus after each update. As a passive status object, there will be no telegram
transmission after an update. In this case, the object value must be read-out. The ETS automatically
sets the object communication flags required for proper functioning.
The “Brightness value feedback ?” parameter is separately created for each DALI group in the “Groups
- [x] group name - dimming" parameter node.
Set parameter to “Yes, feedback object is now active message object”
The “Brightness value feedback” object will be enabled. The brightness value will be transmitted
once it has been updated. After a bus/ mains voltage return or after programming with the ETS, a
feedback telegram will be automatically transmitted.
Set parameter to “Yes, feedback object is passive status object”
The “Brightness value feedback” object will be enabled. The brightness value will be transmitted only
if the feedback object is read-out by the bus. After bus voltage return or after programming with the
ETS, there will be no automatic transmission of the feedback.
Setting the brightness value feedback on return of bus/ mains voltage or after programming
with the ETS
If used as an active message object, the brightness feedback information is transmitted to the bus after
bus voltage return or after programming with the ETS. In these cases, the feedback telegram can be
time-delayed with the delay time being preset globally for all DALI groups together (cf. "Delay after bus/
mains voltage return").
Set the "Time delay for feedback telegram after bus voltage return" parameter in the "Groups - [x]
groupname - dimming" to "Yes".
The brightness feedback transmission will be delayed after bus/ mains voltage return or after
programming with the ETS. No feedback telegram is transmitted during a running delay time, even if
the brightness has changed during this delay.
Set the "Time delay for feedback telegram after bus voltage return" parameter in the "Groups - [x]
groupname - dimming" parameter node to "No".
The brightness feedback transmission will be transmitted immediately after bus/ mains voltage return
or after programming with the ETS.