"DALI Gateway C00Cx2" software
Functional description
Seite 80 von 130 Scene function
The DALI Gateway permits the creation of up to 16 scenes of its own. Each scene can be assigned an
available DALI group. A scene brightness value can also be parameterized and stored in the DALI
Gateway for each assigned group. Thus, the devices of the DALI groups can also be integrated in
scene controls.
The individual scenes must be created as necessary in the “Scenes” parameter node. Scenes can be
created by selecting the “Scenes” node in the tree structure view followed by the “New” command via
the context menu (right mouse click).
After selecting a created scene in the tree structure view the scene configuration appears in the right
subwindow of the plug-in. (cf. Figure 31).
Figure 31: Configuration page of a scene
for example: two created scenes and two DALI groups
Created groups can also be copied via the “Copy” command in the context menu of a scene node and
inserted as a new scene in the “Scenes” node. The parameter settings of the copied group will be
It is also possible to insert a previously copied scene into an already existing scene. All parameter
settings of the existing scene will be adopted by the copied scene.