"DALI Gateway C00Cx2" software
Seite 130 von 130
Overwrite scene values
during ETS download ?
During storage of a scene, the scene
values (current brightness values of the
affected groups) are stored internally in the
device. To prevent the stored values from
being replaced during ETS programming
by the originally programmed scene values,
the Gateway can inhibit the overwriting of
the scene values (setting: "No").
Alternatively, the original values can be
reloaded into the device during each ETS
programming (setting: "Yes").
Delay scene recall ?
A scene is recalled via the scene extension
object. If needed, the scene recall at the
Gateway can be delayed after reception of
a recall telegram (setting: "Yes").
Alternatively, the recall takes place
immediately after the reception of the
telegram (setting: "No").
A recall delay has no influence on the
storage of scene values.
Delay time
00:00:01 … 05:59:59
5 s
The parameter defines the delay time to be
transmitted in case of a scene recall.
This parameter is visible only if the
"Delay scene recall ?" parameter is set to