# Specify the LAN access service for the user.
[Device-luser-network-00-e0-fc-12-34-56] service-type lan-access
[Device-luser-network-00-e0-fc-12-34-56] quit
# Configure ISP domain
to perform local authentication for LAN users.
[Device] domain bbb
[Device-isp-bbb] authentication lan-access local
[Device-isp-bbb] quit
# Enable MAC authentication on GigabitEthernet 1/0/1.
[Device] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[Device-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] mac-authentication
[Device-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit
# Specify ISP domain
as the MAC authentication domain.
[Device] mac-authentication domain bbb
# Configure MAC authentication timers.
[Device] mac-authentication timer offline-detect 180
[Device] mac-authentication timer quiet 180
# Configure MAC authentication to use MAC-based accounts. Each MAC address is in the
hexadecimal notation with hyphens, and letters are in lower case.
[Device] mac-authentication user-name-format mac-address with-hyphen lowercase
# Enable MAC authentication globally.
[Device] mac-authentication
Verifying the configuration
# Display MAC authentication settings and statistics to verify your configuration.
[Device] display mac-authentication
Global MAC authentication parameters:
MAC authentication : Enabled
User name format : MAC address in lowercase(xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx)
Username : mac
Password : Not configured
Offline detect period : 180 s
Quiet period : 180 s
Server timeout : 100 s
Authentication domain : bbb
Online MAC-auth users : 1
Silent MAC users:
MAC address VLAN ID From port Port index
00e0-fc11-1111 8 GE1/0/1 1
GigabitEthernet1/0/1 is link-up
MAC authentication : Enabled
Carry User-IP : Disabled
Authentication domain : Not configured
Auth-delay timer : Disabled
Re-auth server-unreachable : Logoff
Guest VLAN : Not configured
Guest VLAN auth-period : 30 s
Critical VLAN : Not configured