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Configure the maximum size
(in bytes) of SNMP packets for
the SNMP agent
snmp-agent packet max-size
By default, the SNMP agent can
receive and send the SNMP
packets up to 1,500 bytes.
view-name oid-tree pair represents a view record. If you specify the same record with different MIB
subtree masks multiple times, the last configuration takes effect. Except the four subtrees in the default MIB
view, you can create up to 16 unique MIB view records.
Configuring network management-specific
interface index
About the network management-specific interface index
A network management (NM)-specific ifindex identifies an interface and is provided by the SNMP
managed device to the NMS. A network management-specific ifindex takes one of the following two
16-bit NM-specific ifindex
The system dynamically assigns 16-bit NM-specific ifindex values to uniquely identify its interfaces. The
16-bit NM-specific ifindex value starts from 1 and increments by 1.
32-bit NM-specific ifindex
A 32-bit NM-specific ifindex value comprises an Offset, Interface Type, Slot ID, and Chassis ID, as shown
Figure 24
32-bit NM-specific ifindex
Offset: This field is 16 bits in length and is used to distinguish different interfaces of the same type
on the same interface board.
Interface type: This field is 7 bits in length and is the enumerated value corresponding to the
interface type. It supports up to 128 different interface types and supports more than 80 interface
types at present.
Slot ID: Number of the physical slot in which the interface resides, with the length of 5 bits.
Chassis ID: This field is 4 bits in length. For a distributed IRF fabric, this field indicates the member
ID of the device to which the interface belongs. For other types of device, this field has no meanings
and the value is 0.
Switching the format of an NM-specific ifindex
You use the 32-bit NM-specific ifindex format when the NMS requires the 32-bit NM-specific ifindex
format to get information such as the slot that contains the interface. If the network protocol operating on