Add the switch whose MAC address is 000f-e201-0013 to the blacklist.
Figure 60
Network diagram
Configuration procedure
Configure the member switch Switch A
# Enable NDP globally and for port Ethernet 1/0/1.
<SwitchA> system-view
[SwitchA] ndp enable
[SwitchA] interface ethernet 1/0/1
[SwitchA-Ethernet1/0/1] ndp enable
[SwitchA-Ethernet1/0/1] quit
# Enable NTDP globally and for port Ethernet 1/0/1.
[SwitchA] ntdp enable
[SwitchA] interface ethernet 1/0/1
[SwitchA-Ethernet1/0/1] ntdp enable
[SwitchA-Ethernet1/0/1] quit
# Enable the cluster function.
[SwitchA] cluster enable
Configure the member switch Switch C
As the configurations for the member switches are the same, the configuration procedure for Switch C is
not shown here.
Configure the management switch Switch B
# Enable NDP globally and for ports Ethernet 1/0/2 and Ethernet 1/0/3.
<SwitchB> system-view
[SwitchB] ndp enable
[SwitchB] interface ethernet 1/0/2
[SwitchB-Ethernet1/0/2] ndp enable
[SwitchB-Ethernet1/0/2] quit
[SwitchB] interface ethernet 1/0/3