NQA entry (admin admin, tag test) test results:
Destination IP address:
Send operation times: 1 Receive response times: 1
Min/Max/Average round trip time: 173/173/173
Square-Sum of round trip time: 29929
Last succeeded probe time: 2011-01-22 10:07:28.6
Extended results:
Packet loss in test: 0%
Failures due to timeout: 0
Failures due to disconnect: 0
Failures due to no connection: 0
Failures due to sequence error: 0
Failures due to internal error: 0
Failures due to other errors: 0
Packet(s) arrived late: 0
# Display the history of FTP tests.
[DeviceA] display nqa history admin test
NQA entry (admin admin, tag test) history record(s):
Index Response Status Time
1 173 Succeeded 2011-01-22 10:07:28.6
HTTP test configuration example
Network requirements
As shown in
, configure NQA HTTP tests to test the connection with a specific HTTP server and
the time required to obtain data from the HTTP server.
Figure 46
Network diagram
Configuration procedure
Before you make the configuration, make sure the devices can reach each other.
# Create an HTTP test group.
<DeviceA> system-view
[DeviceA] nqa entry admin test
[DeviceA-nqa-admin-test] type http
# Specify the IP address of the HTTP server as the destination IP address for HTTP tests.
[DeviceA-nqa-admin-test-http] destination ip
# Configure the device to get data from the HTTP server for each HTTP probe operation. (get is the default
HTTP operation type, and this step is optional.)
[DeviceA-nqa-admin-test-http] operation get