trouble shooting
file: n:\article\cos14310m5-v1.04hpc-en\20080901_cos14310m5-v1.04hpc-en_manual_h-p-cosmos_running_machine.doc
© 2008 h/p/cosmos sports & medical gmbh [email protected] created 01.09.2008 printed 08.10.2008 page: 127 of 176
Devices without UserTerminal
The devices without UserTerminal are equipped with an automatic error message codes via acoustic signal (bleep)
indicating the device has a malfunction or needs to be lubricated or regular service. In case of error and service
messages a beep-tone is given as acoustical signal. So the user of the running machine gets a feedback about
error and service messages even without UserTerminal. The appropriate beep-code resounds the moment the
error occurs, and afterwards when switching on the running machine if the error still exists three times in a row. To
interpret the error without a display a beep-code is audible according to the error message and according to the list
o = long beep / x = short beep
0= ooooo / 1= xoooo / 2= xxooo / 3= xxxoo / 4= xxxxo / 5= xxxxx / 6 = oxxxx / 7= ooxxx / 8= oooxx / 9= oooox
Example OIL message: On standard setting every 1000 km after switching on the device (main power switch) the
acoustic signal "5 times LONG (code for "0")" and 1 time SHORT + 4 times LONG (code for "1") will be repeated 3
times. Error Code list see: Devices with UserTerminal. The error messages have to be terminated with
"OPTION 01". An external UserTerminal or a PC software h/p/cosmos para control
is required for this.
Set back of error message
Devices with UserTerminal
Initiation: Running-Belt is not moving. One of the modes LED
is flashing: (manual, profile, cardio, test)
Response / Display
Select of the mode for user
options (OP xx)
Press all 3 keys
simultaneously for
at least 3 seconds
indicates: OP01 flashing (for option no. 01)
indicate: E.rE SEt (für Error reset)
Confirm option no. 1
indicates: donE to inform you that you have to
delete the oil message
Delete message
indicates: OP 01 flashing (for option no. 01)
indicate: E.rE SEt (für Error reset)
Quit option mode
Stand-by mode
manual, profil, cardio or test is flashing
With this procedure only the message E01-OIL, as well as the message E02-Service can be reset. All other error
messages are caused by technical defects / malfunctions. These error messages can only be reset in the
administrator-level. Please contact in this case the customer service in written form.
Devices without UserTerminal
The OIL-message as well as the SERVICE-message have to be quit by „OPTION 01”. Error messages have to be
quit by „OPTION 01“ at the administrator-level. In both cases you need an „external UserTerminal“ or the PC-
Software h/p/cosmos para control
to do that . For further procedures see devices with UserTerminal.