Guilin Feiyu Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd
Guilin Feiyu Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd Tel:0773-5815749
Layout Options
Normal layout plane
No mixing control.
Delta-winged plane
with rudder
Elevator and Aileron mixed control.
V –end plane with aileron
Elevator and rudder mixed control.
plane without aileron(but with
elevator and rudder)
No mixing control.
V-end plane without aileron
Elevator and Aileron mixed control.
2. The Remote Control Rudder Checking: Please control the plane rudder with the remote
controller to see weather the control surface and the control direction is the same, if not, please
adjust the control direction of the rudder.
3. Rudder Control Direction Checking: Please set the P, I, D of the "steady course", "pitch
stability” and "roll stability" to one values ,such as 50,in “parameter 1”. (Heading stability PID
are: 40, 5, 90; Pitch stability PID are: 60, 0,60; Roll stability PID are: 60,0,60), and then switch
to the "Masuda stable remote control" mode, check the direction of the rudder surface.
Aileron Checking:
Upward the plane in the rolling direction, if the fuselage
right-leaning, the ailerons should automatically give a control
gain to control the plane to the left. If fuselage left-leaning, the
ailerons should automatically give a control gain to control the plane to the right. If the control
gains on opposite, please set “AIL Reverse” in the “rudder reverse settings" .
Elevator Checking:
Upward the plane in the pitching direction, if the fuselage
rise up, the elevator should be automatically given a control gain
to heading down the plane. If fuselage head down, the elevator should be automatically given a
control gains to rise up the plane. If the control gain on opposite, please set “ELE Reverse” in the
“rudder reverse settings".
Rudder Checking:
Shaking the aircraft
in the course direction, if the nose turn right, the rudder should
automatically given a control gain to control the head turn left. If the nose turn left, the rudder
should automatically given a control gain to control the head turn right. If the control gain on
opposite, please set “RUD Reverse” in the “reverse rudder settings”.
Throttle Detection:
When the throttle from small to large, please view the throttle output through the rudder
display table if it is from small to large (1000-2000),please set “THR Reverses” in the “rudder
reverse settings” . No selects in the options. (No tick), if it is in descending (2000-1000), please set
“THR Reverses” in the " rudder reverse settings" .Select reverse in the options (tick).
Parameters Setting PID
Explain in detail the function of each parameter
Turning Control
Aileron Control Coefficient:
scale coefficient of the aileron when the plane turns. The
larger of the setting value, the greater of the turning aileron. Setting Range: 0-99.
Vertical Distance Aileron Integrates: Aileron emendatory given by the autopilot according to
the distance from the route in the air route fly mode.
The larger of the
Settings, the faster of the