This chapter provides basic information about device. Before starting, please read
this manual carefully.
two-channel current loop converter is designed to connect sensors with output
0-20 mA or 4-20 mA into Ethernet network. Current can be recalculated to physical
value measured by the connected sensor. Sensors can be powered directly from the
have two current inputs. These inputs are not galvanically
General safety rules
The following summary is used to reduce the risk of injury or damage the device.
To prevent injury, please follow instructions in this manual carefully.
The device can be installed and repaired by a qualified person only. The device
contains no serviceable parts inside standard means.
Do not use the device, if it does not work correctly. Let check device by the
qualified service person if you think that is not working properly.
It is forbidden to use the device without the cover. Inside the device can be a dangerous
voltage and may be risk of electric shock.
Appropriate power supply adapter according to manufacturer specifications and approved
according to relevant standards may to be used only. Please make sure, that the adapter does
not have damaged cables or covers.
Connect the device to network parts approved according to relevant standards only.
Connect and disconnect the device properly. Do not connect or disconnect Ethernet cable
or current inputs when the device is powered.
Do not short-circuit power supply terU1 and +U2 to the GND terminals.
The device may be installed in prescribed areas only. Never expose the device to higher or
lower temperatures than is allowed. Protect device from dripping or splashing water and do
not use in areas with condensation.
Do not use device in potentially explosive environments.
Do not stress the device mechanically.