Alarm limits
For each measurement channel is possible to set upper and lower limits, time-delay for alarm
activation (0
30000 s) and hysteresis for alarm clearing.
Example of setting the limit to the upper alarm limit:
In Point 1 the measured value exceeded the limit. From this time, the time-delay is counting.
Because at point 2 the value dropped below the limit value before the time delay expired,
alarm was not set.
In Point 3 the value has risen over limit again. During the time-delay the value does not drop
below the set limit, and therefore was in Point 4 caused alarm. At this moment were sent e-
mails, traps and set alarm flag on website, SNMP and Modbus.
The alarm lasted up to Point 5, when the measured value dropped below the set hysteresis
(high limit
hysteresis). At this moment was active alarm cleared and e-mail send.
When alarm occurs, alarm messages will be sent. In case of power failure or device reset (e.g.
changing the configuration) will new alarm state evaluated and new alarm messages will be