Error codes
Table below describes common error codes from the device:
Error code Description
How to resolve problem
Value is not available
Value n/a is shown a shortly after device
restart. If the error code or n/a is
displayed permanently, then channel is
not enabled.
Error 1
Value can't be converted to string Constants for recalculation are wrongly
set, change them.
Error 2
Internal Error
communication Please contact technical support.
Error 3
Register overflow
Measured value cannot be shown at
register (16bit). Please use 32bit register
or change constants for recalculation.
Error 4
Undocumented error
Please contact technical support.
Error 5
Internal Error
Please contact technical support.
Error 6
Current is under low limit
Please contact technical support.
Error 7
Current is over high limit
Measured current is over the maximum
limit. Check if there is not short-circuit at
the current loop. Check function of
current transmitter.
I forgot the password for setup
Please reset device to factory defaults. Procedure is described at following point.
Factory defaults
This procedure restore device to factory settings including network parameters (IP address,
Subnet mask, etc.). For factory-defaults follow these steps:
disconnect the power supply, unscrew upper cover of the device case
press factory-defaults button and connect the power
keep button pressed for 10 sec
close the device