Page 113
Issue 08/2013
Operation in Jog mode / Sorting mode [B]
Operation in Jog mode / Sorting mode [B]
Job mode
The “switch is down” on the right-hand side of the MMI [B] =
Sorting mode = Jog mode.
The Jog mode is particularly good for separating the material. This operating
mode is usually not suited to normal material handling as the lifting magnet
only remains switched on for as long as the control button remains pressed.
If the control button is released, the lifting magnet is switched off.
Jog mode is not available in all MMI variants.
In Jog mode, the
MAPLA system does not work with the functions “Quick
magnetisation” and “Quick demagnetisation”. This means that the processes
for full magnetisation and demagnetisation of the lifting magnet last
considerably longer than with these functions.