0N User Guide • GreenValley International Inc.
Page 22
5. Data Processing
LiGeoreference is a LiDAR point cloud georeferencing software developed by GreenValley which
allows users to merge range measurements collected by mobile, UAV or airborne laser scanning
systems with position and orientation information recorded by integrated IMU and GNSS sensors.
Point clouds can also be attributed with RGB imagery using LiGeoreference’s data fusion capabilities
to produce a true-color 3D model of an object or area surveyed. LiGeoreference is now available as
a stand-alone application with a helpful graphical user interface as well as a command-line interface
for scripting and easy integration with third party software. In this article, the main purpose to produce
this chapter is to show the data post-processing procedure resolved by LiGeoreference.
Note: For more information, introduction of assembling LIDAR system together with Drones is detailed
in LiGeoreference User Handbook section.
5.1 Project Folder Structure
LiAir 220N will automatically create a project for the mission in SD card of laser scanner and associated
subfolders to store incoming data on LiAir 220N
’s internal storage device. The organization structure
of the project file is shown in the figure below.
Figure 12. Project Folder Structure