Änderungen vorbehalten! Keine Haftung für Druckfehler 3/2008
Allow the glue to harden thoroughly, then use a hot soldering iron once more to melt
away the covering over the slots in the wings for the wire undercarriage units.
Fix the wheels to the wheel axles using a collet on each side of each wheel. Tighten
the clamping screws fully, then apply a drop of UHU schraubensicher to prevent them
working loose.
[Seite 22]
Fix the undercarriage units to the wings using the plastic saddle clamps provided, as
shown in the photo.
The next step is to cut out the individual name placards from the decal sheet, and
apply them to the finished model in the arrangement shown in the kit-box illustration.
Assembling the North American Harvard AT-6
Place the flight battery on the mounting plate in the fuselage, and secure it with
Velcro tape and a Velcro cable tie. The battery mounting plate is on the underside of
the fuselage, immediately aft of the cowl. You may find that you have to cut away the
nose bulkhead and the cowl slightly, depending on the type of flight battery you wish
to use.
Balance the model carefully by adjusting the position of the flight battery, and mark
the pack’s position on the mounting plate using a pencil. Ensure that the throttle stick
on the transmitter is at the “Off” position before you connect the speed controller to
the battery.
We recommend that you permanently connect 180 mm extension leads to receiver
output sockets 2 and 5 for connecting the aileron servos. Connect the aileron servos
to the extension leads.
Locate the dowel in the wing root leading edge, and insert it in the hole in the
fuselage former at the front of the wing saddle. Fit the wing retaining screws, and
tighten them just to the point where the wing is held securely in place, and cannot
shift. When you are sure that everything fits properly, remove the screws and glue
the plywood doublers centrally over the holes using white glue, after removing the
covering film over the area of the doublers.
[Seite 23]