Änderungen vorbehalten! Keine Haftung für Druckfehler 3/2008
Use a pair of flat-nose pliers to bend the pushrod at right-angles at the marked point,
and snip off the excess rod length so that it projects beyond the retaining clip by
about 1.5 mm when the clip is fitted.
[Seite 16]
The length of the pushrods can be fine-tuned by screwing the clevises in or out at the
tail end. When the linkages are set up accurately, apply a drop of UHU
schraubensicher to the clevises and the M2 nuts to prevent them working loose.
The receiver can be attached to the servo plate using a Velcro cable-tie and soft
receiver padding (Order No. 1665), as shown in the photo.
Deploy the receiver aerial to the tail end of the fuselage and tape it in place.
Mark and drill the holes in the plywood motor mount to suit the motor you intend to
install. The metal mount supplied with the motor can be used as a template for this,
as shown in the photo.
Press the captive nuts into the holes in the back of the plywood motor mount.
Temporarily install the electric motor, and tighten the retaining screws to draw the
captive nuts into the wood.
[Seite 17]
Attach the metal motor mount to the backplate of the electric motor using the screws
supplied. The motor can now be fixed to the plywood motor mount.
Glue the motor mount to the nose bulkhead of the fuselage using UHU coll (white
The speed controller can be attached to the fuselage side in the battery compartment
using Velcro tape.
The next step is to connect the speed controller to the motor; check carefully
a propeller fitted
that the output shaft spins in the correct direction. If not, swap over
any two of the three power leads to the motor; for more information refer to the
instructions supplied with the motor.
Cut out and paint the dummy radial engine moulding as shown in the photo.