Modifications reserved. No liability for printing errors Id. No. 0061845 04/2010
Assembling the CLUB STAR 2
Glue the locating dowels (75) in the wings, ensuring that the inside ends engage in
the dowel supports (18). Fit the wings together using the flat steel joiner (76).
it is a good idea to glue the flat steel joiner in one wing panel using UHU
Alleskleber Kraft, taking care to set it at the right angle.
For connecting the two airbrake servos to the receiver we recommend that you per-
manently connect a 100 mm extension lead (Order No. 3935.11) to each of the cor-
responding receiver sockets (6 and 7). Plug in the servo leads, insert the locating
dowels, and fix the wing to the fuselage using the M4 x 20 countersunk screws (73).
Cut out the self-adhesive decals and apply them to the appropriate surfaces of the
model, taking care to avoid trapped air-bubbles and creases. You can emulate the
arrangement shown in the kit box illustration if you wish.
Balancing the CLUB STAR 2
Support the model at a point 79 - 84 mm aft of the wing root leading edge on either
side of the fuselage. When balanced correctly the aeroplane will hang level, with the
nose inclined slightly down. If necessary, adjust the CG by re-positioning the flight
battery or by gluing lead ballast in the nose or tail. Check that all the control surfaces
are exactly at neutral (zero-point) when the transmitter trims are at centre.
Control surface travels
approx. 70° up / down
7 mm up and down
25 mm right and left
We recommend that you set 50% exponential (Expo) at the transmitter.
When fitting and adjusting the various linkages you should ensure that they move
freely, without binding, are able to move to their full extent - including trim travel - and
are not obstructed mechanically at any point.
When you move the rudder stick to the right, the rudder should also deflect to the
right (left stick: left rudder). Pull the elevator stick back towards you, and the elevator
must deflect up (stick forward: elevator down). When you move the airbrake slider
back, both brakes should move almost to the vertical position. Move the throttle stick
forward and the motor should run at full power.
Now all that remains is for all of us to wish you many hours of pleasure flying your
Yours - the
team !