Modifications reserved. No liability for printing errors Id. No. 0061845 04/2010
Set the servo output arm to centre by connecting the RC system and switching it on.
Cut the inner snake sleeve (81) to length as shown in the photo. Slip the snake inner
and the steel pushrod into the guide sleeve, threading the end of the steel rod
through the barrel of the swivel pushrod connector (77). Snap the ball-link (80) onto
the ball-end bolt (horn), set the control surface to centre (neutral), and tighten the
grubscrew (85) in the swivel connector to clamp the steel pushrod (79). Snip off the
excess pushrod length using a pair of side-cutters. It is essential to apply UHU
thread-lock fluid to the grubscrews to prevent them working loose.
Airbrake linkage
Cut away the covering film at the appropriate points in the wings, and melt away the
film over the pivot holes and openings. Slip 400 mm lengths of steel rod (28) through
the aluminium tubes (14) in order to attach the airbrakes to the wings. Set the servos
to neutral, fit the output arms at right-angles to the servo case, and insert the retain-
ing screws. Connect the servo leads to the appropriate extension leads (Order No.
3935.18), and secure each joint with a heat-shrink sleeve, adhesive tape or a drop of
Open up the holes in the servo output arms to 1.6 mm Ø, insert the swivel pushrod
connector barrels (77) and retain them with the plastic nuts (78); check that they ro-
tate smoothly, but without lost motion.