Modifications reserved. No liability for printing errors Id. No. 0061845 04/2010
Drill a 3.2 mm Ø hole through each wing root doubler and the wing, positioned as
shown in the photo, drilling at right-angles to the top of the wing airfoil (see side view
in the construction plan).Fit the wing dowels into the holes in the fuselage, align the
wing at right-angles to the fuselage centreline, and drill 3.2 mm Ø holes through the
fuselage and into the spreader plate. Cut an M4 thread in the spreader plate using
the tapping screw (72). Open up the holes in the wing to 4 mm Ø, and countersink
them for the M4 countersunk screws (73). Fix the wing to the fuselage with the retain-
ing screws (73) to check alignment.
All the flying surfaces have to be covered; we recommend using iron-on film in your
choice of colour scheme. When applying the material to the airframe please observe
the instructions supplied with the film.
It is a good idea to lay a length of thread through each wing panel before applying the
covering film, so that the servo leads can be drawn through the covered structure.
Fitting the tailplane and fin
Glue the patent hinges (54) half-way into the film-covered control surfaces using
cyano. Leave the adhesive to cure, then glue the projecting hinge ends into the fixed
panels, leaving a gap about 0.5 mm wide, again using cyano.
Fix the tailplane to the fuselage using the plastic M4 x 20 retaining screws (73).