When installing the control push-rods always take great care that they run easily,
and to their full extent – including trimming – and are in no way mechanically
When moving the rudder-control stick to the right, the rudder must swing to the right,
when moving it to the left, it must swing to the left. When moving the elevator control
stick back, both elevators must move upwards (pitch up). When moving the aileron-
control stick to the right, the right aileron must move up, the left one downwards.
When moving the butterfly-control stick back the ailerons must swing upwards and
the flaps downwards. The flaps are best operated via a slider with an electronically
restricted path, so that for a full path of the slider the specified throws are achieved.
The First Flight
Experienced model flyers will now take the first opportunity to go to the model airfield
and test fly their model in the usual manner, make final corrections and then
hopefully have much fun and success flying their
Alpina 3001 CHAMP PRO
Some tips from the practice of modelflying should help you to make the most of the
wide variety of application possibilities for this model.
Test Flying
Every flying machine, from model aircraft to passenger carrying planes, must be test
flown after completion. This also applies to your
Alpina 3001.
The slightest deviation
in manufacture or construction can lead to minor variations in flying characteristics
and control responses. Test flying is the means to optimise the centre of gravity and
to generally fine-tune the control response.
Avoid by all means unnecessary low altitude hand launches on a flat site. While
doing so the model is flying close to the ground in the most dangerous zone as there
is little time to make adequate corrections and damages are most likely to occur.
The Range Test (also for experts!)
Ensure that both transmitter and receiver batteries are fully and properly charged.
Before switching on the transmitter ensure that the channel you are using is free. The
channel pennant on your antenna is obligatory and indicates your channel to other
pilots! If other pilots are present, announce your channel loudly and clearly.
Carry out a range test before the first flight. You should always carry out this test as a
matter of principle before commencing each days flying. Hold the model in a way that
the antenna is not affected – at the tip of the fuselage is best. An assistant walks
away with the transmitter. While doing so the antenna is fully pushed in. While
walking away operate a control function. Observe the other servos. The uncontrolled
servos should remain stationary up to a distance of at least 80 m and the controlled
servo must follow the controlled movements without delay. Should this not be the
case check again if your channel is free. If this is the case, return the entire system
(with battery, switch cable, servos etc.) to the service department of the manufacturer
for inspection.