dimensional drawing supplied with each package. For stan�
dard packages, the location of connections is given in fig.
3.6 "Component identification drawing of standard package
The suction line and discharge line should be înstalled and
supported such that there is no raad exerted on the com
pressor body or the oiJ separator from either statie farces or
ExtemaJ farces trom the piping can distort the coupling àlign
ment and cause major bearing and shaft seal problems.
Refr!geratiog system iînes·
Before installing sucti.on and discharge line, remove 1he
plastic protection cap of the suction and discharge stop
valye and inspect the stop Valve connections as well as the
lines themselves tor the presence of dirt.
The lines can be welded direct onto the welding ends of the
stop valves; the stop valves need not therefore be disas
sembled. Prior to welding, the stop valves should be op
ened entirely and then closed one full turn.
In order to prevent the possîbility of any /iquid carry-over,
the plant in which the Grassoscrew compressor package is
to be insta/led, should meet the same requirements
if it
has been designed to operate with a reciprocating com
pressor (package).
In genera! the package will be supplied complete with a
drive motor which is connected to the compressor by
means of a double flexîble coupling. But, to prevent damage
to the compressor and drive during transport, the
ate elastic elements
of the coupllng are shipped unassem
bled and packed together with the package.
This symmetrically constructed all-steel coupling (shown in
fig. 4.1) consists of two flanges (1 and 7), two stainless
steel plate packs (3) and a spacer (6). The steel pack is an
integral assembly consisting of individual plates and bush
ings. captured by retalner rings (4). Since all junction points
are built up this way, the platè pack represents a compact
The shaft ends of both compressor and motor are equipped
with a coupling flange. Although the motor and compressor
shaft have been aligned in the works misallgnment might
have occured due to deformation of the base frame during
iransport and fnstallatîon. Therefore it is recomrnended to
check the alignment once more pdor to reinstallation of the
intermediate elastic elements.
The alignment procedure described hereafter incorporates
also procedure steps for reinstalling the electric motor in the
case the compressor drive motor might have been moved
for servicing or replacemenl
The oompressor and compressor drive motor is suppfied
/eveled and secured to the package base frame with high
grade tasteners. Do not loosen the bolts or disturb the com
pressor and motor. Tïghten the compressor and e/ectrïc
motor mounting bolts as they may have /oosened in ship
- The compressor package should be leveled and securely
anchored without base distortion as in para 4.4.
- Check to make sure the motor feet and the package
mounting pàds are free of dirt and burrs.
- Cfean motor shaft and compressor shaft coupling flanges
and the coupling elements as Well.
1. compressor coupling f[ange
2. htted bolt
3. plate pack
4. ring pack
S. locknur
6. spacer
7. motor coupling ftange
Compressor Package GSLP