If more than one valve is assigned a valid solenoid
location, all instances of that location will be
highlighted in red, and are considered invalid.
Figure 59 Pump Screen, Valve Assignment with
A value of 0 for the control module, or 00 for the
solenoid, indicates no previous location assignment
and both are also invalid assignments.
If a valve location is considered invalid, any operation
that uses that valve will be prevented from running.
This is easily identified on the Recipe screens. If any
of the material’s valves are considered invalid, that
material will be highlighted red. If any of the valves
used in the flush procedure are considered invalid,
the flush sequence will be highlighted red.
Figure 60 Recipe Screen with invalid valve location
Pump Air/Solvent
Air/Solvent Chop
Enabling an air purge valve on the inlet stack of a
color pump allows for an air/solvent chop during
the pump flush process. The air/solvent chop will
replace the wash cycles in a pump flush. Instead, the
pump will run at a steady speed for the set number
of strokes (full length travel in one direction) while
alternating between air and solvent for the desired
duty cycles. One pump stroke takes approximately 2
seconds during this phase.
NOTE: Air/solvent chop requires additional hardware
for the air purge valve. See manual 333282 for kit
numbers and installation details.
Figure 61 Flush Screen with pump air/solvent chop
Figure 62 Flush Screen with both air/solvent chops
To enable air/solvent chop for a pump flush, check
the Air/Solvent Chop box on the Flush screen.
Because air/solvent chop may also be used for
purging the gun, if Mix-at-Wall is enabled, the
Air/Solvent Chop option becomes a pull-down
selection where the user may choose None, Pump,
Gun, or Both. If air/solvent chop is enabled for the
gun purge, all gun purge parameters will appear on
the right side, and pump flush parameters are on the
left side. The following parameters apply to the pump
flush. For details on air/solvent chop for the gun, see
Air Chop
Set the air chop duty cycle for the chop phase of the
pump flush.
Solvent Chop
Set the solvent chop duty cycle for the chop phase
of the pump flush.