Networking Basics
General Networking Definitions
The Logic-5000 cellular modem is based on Ethernet connectivity and follows general IP
networking guidelines and terminology. Below are definitions of some basic network
terminology as they pertain to the Logic-5000 environment.
Circuit Switched Data
Circuit Switched Data is the original form of a cellular connection where a
radio channel is dedicated to an active phone and the connection is dropped
when not in use.
Domain Name System: operates like a phone book to translate domain
names (i.e., google.com) to IP addresses (
The Logic-5000 unit functions as the DNS Server in the network.
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol: the DHCP server assigns IP
addresses, gateway and subnet masks to all clients on the network.
The Logic-5000 unit functions as a DHCP Server.
Dynamic/Static IP
A device with Dynamic IP selected may have a different IP address every
time it connects to the network. A device with a Static IP will always connect
with the same IP address.
A (node) device enabling data transfer between different networks (i.e., from
a private LAN to a public WAN).
Local Area Network. A private network.
Network Address Translation: A technology that allows hosts on the LAN with
private IP addresses to communicate with public IP addresses on the WAN.
This is an essential function of a network router.
Packet Data
Packet Data is used by 3G cellular standards. On a packet data network,
users share a channel and the connection is always on.
A special number present in the header of a data packet in the data transfer
process. Ports are typically used to map data to a particular process running
on a computer.
Point-to-point Protocol: creating a direct link between two nodes in network
Private IP address
Private IP addresses are addresses that will not be routed on external
networks. Any device on an internal LAN should be assigned a private IP
address to avoid contention. The suggested private address ranges are
Class A: 10.x.x.x
Class B: 172.16.x.x through 172.31.x.x
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