5 Configuration Mode Introduction
5.3 AUTO BOOT Configuration (Supported by LittleBee®
Family Only)
the built-in Flash via the JTAG port first (refer to Figure 5-4 Connection
Diagram for JTAG Configuration Mode), and then set the MODE value to
"000", the chip will automatically read the bitstream data to complete
configuration when powered up again or RECONFIG_N triggered at a
low-level pulse. When the MODE value is set to "000", the FPGA will
automatically configure the SRAM to complete AUTO BOOT after the
built-in Flash is programmed using Gowin programmer. The momentary
connection feature of the built-in Flash saves download time and improves
GW1N(R) - 9 and GW1NS series support two retries of AUTO BOOT
configuration, i.e. the devices can be automatically reconfigured twice if the
first configuration fails after power up. The other devices of LittleBee
support one-time AUTO BOOT configuration. The factors that can lead to a
failed configuration include false ID validation, false CRC check, and false
The embedded Flash can only store one bitsteam file. The retry address
configuration could not be changed