5 Configuration Mode Introduction
5.1 Configuration Notes
Configuration Mode Introduction
Gowin FPGA products include the SRAM-based high-performance
Arora Family of FPGA products and small capacity nonvolatile device of the
Family of FPGA products with embedded Flash. Any
configuration data that is stored in the SRAM device is lost after it is
powered down; as such, it will need to be reconfigured each time it is
powered up. The data stored on non-volatile devices with built-in flash will
be stored in the chip if the device is powered down, and the device can be
automatically reconfigured after power up via the AUTOBOOT or
DUALBOOT configuration options.
Gowin FPGA products have abundant packages. The configuration
modes supported by each device are related to the number of configuration
pins bonded out: All devices support JTAG configuration, but only
non-volatile devices support AUTO BOOT or DUAL BOOT configuration.
The mode value for each configuration is different.
Configuration Notes
GOWINSEMI FPGA products include LittleBee
family and Arora
family. Whether the name of the device contains R does not affect the
configuration feature, the main difference is that SDRAM/PSRAM is
integrated in all FPGA products that have a serial number that includes the
letter R. Except DUALBOOT configuration features, the GW1NS series of
FPGA products have same features as the GW1N series.
Power Up and Configuration Flow
When the power up voltage of VCC, VCCIO, and VCCX reaches the
min. value, FPGA begins to start: stable voltage and RECONFIG_N is not
pulled down > The internal circuit of FPGA pulls down READY and DONE
pins > FPGA initialization > Pulling up READY and sampling MODE value >
Reading and checking the configuration data according to the configuration
mode > FPGA waking up > DONE pulling up > Entering user mode.
Power supply voltage needs to be stable in the process of FPGA
start-up. RECONFIG_N needs to keep high after being powered up until
the voltage is stable for 1ms and also in the process of FPGA initialization.