76343/4/5 | English, Revision 05 | Date: 23.02.2022
MC-Config Program – Chapter 4
4.3.5 Context Menu of the List Items
By performing a right click on a list item the following context menu can be opened:
Figure 16
MC-Config Program: List context menu items
Table 9
MC-Config Program: List context menu items (part 1 of 2)
Menu item
Debug logging
De-/activation of the logging of system messages
of the selected WLAN client (see section 4.8 on
page 31). First,a target file is queried in which the
debug messages are to be written.
Signal logging
This function saves the WLAN data (signal strength,
connected AP, channel, bit rate) received by the MC-
Config program for the WLAN client in a file in the
form of text lines.
Static flag
If you want to keep all existing devices in the table
in an application, even if they are not currently avail
able, you can set the entries to
. This means
that the entries are not deleted from the table, even
if the corresponding radio modems are not currently
in operation.
Entries in the state
are marked yellow in the
1st column:
System log
This allows operations to be performed on the log
and dump files stored in the radio modem.
There are
files that store text messages and
files that contain recordings from the WLAN
or LAN interface of the WLAN client.
Download Log
transfers the System Log file to
the MC-Config program.
Download Dumps and Log
leads to a dialog in
which all log and dump files for download can
be selected and downloaded.
Clear Dumps and Log
deletes all relevant files.
This deletion should always be carried out
before a test, during which a certain function is
to be tested and logged.