76343/4/5 | English, Revision 05 | Date: 23.02.2022
Wireless (WLAN Interface) – Chapter 7
Filter SSID
: This setting affects the AP list displayed on the Home web page. If this
option is active, only the APs are displayed that have a matching SSID. Activation
makes sense if there are a lot of APs active in the WLAN system that have a different
SSID than defined in the profiles.
7.2 Wireless Status Information Service
Figure 57
Wireless (WLAN Interface):
Wireless Status Information Ser
76343/4/5 to inform the
status of the WLAN connection
via the devices connected via
the LAN interface.
Interval: Specifies the time in
terval in seconds in which the
information is sent.
Destination IP: This is the destination address for the status information. A broadcast
address can also be specified here so that all devices connected to the LAN can po
tentially receive this information.
Destination port: The UDP port on which the receiving device expects data.
Format: Defines the content of the information to be sent.
gives e.g:
The following values can currently be queried:
Table 37
Wireless (WLAN Interface): Variable formats
WLAN state:
0 = not connected
1 = connected
Current transmission bit rate.
Currently used WLAN channel
SNR = Signal-to-noise ratio value
MAC address of the access point to which the radio
modem is currently connected.
Name of the AP (not available for all APs)
IP address of the radio modem on the WLAN side
MAC address of the radio modem on the WLAN side
device name of the radio modem
serial number of the radio modem
Firmware version of the radio modem
Status of the on board relay