Reduction of performance. Frequent start-up.
Low pressure values.
Excessive performance request, check for any
leaks from the couplings and/or pipes. Intake
filter may be clogged.
Replace the seals of the fitting, clean or replace
the filter.
The compressor stops and restarts
automatically after a few minutes.
Tripping of the thermal cutout due to
overheating of the motor.
Clean the air ducts in the conveyor. Ventilate
the work area.
After a few attempts to restart, the compressor.
Tripping of the thermal cutout due to
overheating of the motor (removal of the plug
with the compressor running, low power
Activate the on/off switch. Ventilate the work
area. Wait a few minutes. The compressor will
restart independently. Remove any power cable
The compressor does not stop and the safety
valve is tripped.
Irregular functioning of the compressor or
breakage of the pressure switch.
Remove the plug and contact the Service Center.
Any other type of operation must be carried out by authorized Service Centers, requesting original parts. Tampering with the machine may impair its safety
and in any case make the warranty null and void.
Warranty and repair.
In the event of defective goods or requirements for spare parts, kindly contact the sales point where you made your purchase.
Pull the power plug before doing any cleaning and maintenance work on
the appliance.
Wait until the compressor has completely cooled down. Risk of burns!
Always depressurize the tank before carrying out any cleaning and
maintenance work.
Never clean the machine and its components with solvents, flammable or
toxic liquids. Us only a damp cloth making sure you have unplugged the
compressor from the current outlet.
Draining tank
After approx. 2 hours of use, the condensate that has formed must be
drained from the receiver. First of all, vent all the air using the pneumatic
tool connected.
The condensation water must be drained off each day by opening the drain
valve (ref. 3) (on the bottom of the pressure vessel).
Draining the tank (a correct use of the drain valve - pic. 3):
1. Verify that the compressor is turned Off.
2. Holding the handle, tilt the compressor toward the drain valve so that
it’s set in a lower position.
3. Open the drain valve.
4. Keep the compressor tilted until all moisture has been removed.
5. Close the drain valve.
If the water that condenses is not drained, it may corrode the receiver,
reducing its capacity and impairing safety.
As it is a contaminating product, condensate must be DISPOSED of in
accordance with laws on protection of the environment and current
The compressor must be disposed in conformity with the methods provided
for by local regulations.
Safety valve
The safety valve has been set for the highest permitted pressure of the
pressure vessel. It is prohibited to adjust the safety valve or remove its seal.
Actuate the safety valve from time to time to ensure that it works when
required. Pull the ring with sufficient force (pic. 4) until you can hear the
compressed air being released. Then release the ring again.