1. Power supply........................................................ 230V AC or 115V AC, depending on version
connections for main and spare, automatic change-
over, supply change-over signalling
2. Consumption (without lights) ............................... 230V AC version - 0.135A max
115V AC version – 0.27A max
3. Modules’ consumption ......................................... Main unit ITNSL-01T: 19V DC, 0.54A max
Input module ITNL-10: 19V DC, 0.16A max
Input module ITNL-3: 19V DC, 0.1A max
Input module ITSL-13: 19V DC, 0.19A max
Input module ITSL-7: 19V DC, 0.15A max
4. Maximal configuration ......................................... 13 main and 13 spare navigation lights
26 signal lights,
5. Possible configurations ........................................ Only navigation lights input modules
(ITNL-10 or ITNL-3 or both)
Only signal light modules (ITSL-13 or ITSL-7 or both)
Any combination of above mentioned configurations
6. Bulbs’ power range .............................................. 4-100W (230V AC); 4-65W (115V AC)
flashing lights are allowed
7. Input modules power range ................................. 800W
8. Bulbs’ fuses.......................................................... 5x20mm, each pole, mounted on input modules
9. Lights’ turn on/off in case of emergency .............. Manual activation of lights directly on input modules,
power supply directly forwarded to lamps, circuits
remain fused
10. Alarm output......................................................... 1 pcs of voltage-free C.O. contacts, 250V AC/ 1A, for
broken light circuit alarm and power/system failure
NMEA 0183 transmmiter - $IIALR sentences for normal
state, alarm state and alarm accepted
11. Lamp’s circuit failure alarm delay ........................ 2-6 seconds, automatic change-over to spare light (if
12. External alarm accept input ................................. N.O. voltage-free contact, quits buzzer only.
NMEA 0183 receiver - $IIACK sentence for external
audio alarm acceptance, quits buzzer only
13. Communication between modules ....................... RS485, ITNL input modules have fix addresses, ITSL
modules’ addresses are defined by M1 link: inserted –
input module (first signal lights module), not inserted –
input module (second signal lights module)
14. Lamps’ configuration and condition presentation 5.7” TFT touch display
7. Technical characteristics