Wireless dimming actuator, 4-gang
Setting options, Basic setting
Deactivate lock-out protection
brightness value
0…100 %
Basic setting: 0 %
Defines the behaviour of the
output on deactivating the
lock-out protection. Only vis-
ible when the priority for the
lock-out protection is 0.
Priority, restraint
Basic setting: 2
Specifies the priority for recall-
ing and removing a scene of
type Restraint for the channel.
Activate forced operation
brightness value
0…100 %
Basic setting: 100 %
Defines the behaviour of the
output on activating the forced
Deactivate forced operation
brightness value
0…100 %
Basic setting: 0 %
Defines the behaviour of the
output on deactivating the
forced operation. Only visible
when the priority for the forced
operation is 0.
Priority, wind alarm
Basic setting: 3
Specifies the priority for recall-
ing and removing a scene of
type Wind alarm for the chan-
Activate wind alarm brightness
0…100 %
Basic setting: 0 %
Defines the behaviour of the
output on activating the wind
Deactivate wind alarm bright-
ness value
0…100 %
Basic setting: 0 %
Defines the behaviour of the
output on deactivating the
wind alarm. Only visible when
the priority for the wind alarm
is 0.
Priority, sun protection
Basic setting: 0
Specifies the priority for recall-
ing and removing a scene of
type Sun protection for the
Activate sun protection bright-
ness value
0…100 %
Basic setting: 100 %
Defines the behaviour of the
output on activating the sun
Deactivate sun protection
brightness value
0…100 %
Basic setting: 0 %
Defines the behaviour of the
output on deactivating the sun
protection. Only visible when
the priority for the sun protec-
tion is 0.
Priority, twilight
Basic setting: 0
Specifies the priority for recall-
ing and removing a scene of
type Twilight for the channel.
Activate twilight brightness
0…100 %
Basic setting: 100 %
Defines the behaviour of the
output on activating the twi-
light function.
Deactivate twilight brightness
0…100 %
Basic setting: 0 %
Defines the behaviour of the
output on deactivating the twi-
light function. Only visible
when the priority for the twi-
light function is 0.
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