Application scenarios
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3.3. Access to KNX installations
The Gira S1 Windows client enables secure access to KNX installations via the Internet. For this pur
pose, the Gira S1 Windows client is installed on the computer and started in parallel to the ETS. Since
the KNX/IP protocol is completely unprotected today, the Gira S1 transfers all KNX/IP data encrypted
with SSL/TLS to the Gira Device portal while the portal, in turn, exchanges this data encrypted with
SSL/TLS with the Gira S1 Windows client. The Gira S1 Windows client then provides the KNX/IP data
for the ETS unencrypted locally on the computer using the ETS so that the ETS can be used completely
transparently in the usual way.
The Gira Project Assistant (GPA) constitutes an alternative to the Gira S1 Windows Client. To use this
option, you must create a GPA project, activate the "Remote maintenance" option in the project scope,
and select "Gira S1 remote access module" as the remote access method. Then, enter your remote
access ID and authentication key in the "Configure remote access" area. You only need to set this up
once. Now click on "Connect" (top right). The GPA will establish the connection to the Gira S1. You
can now start the ETS and see the remote system's ETS interfaces in the "Bus" area. The interfaces
found have the prefix "GPA".
Figure 4: Secure remote access to the KNX installation with the Gira S1.
Once a connection to a specific Gira S1 has been established using the Gira S1 Windows client (see
chapter 10.2 “Connecting to the Gira Device portal”), the KNX/IP interfaces available on the remote
network appear in the ETS as if the ETS itself were on the remote network. To avoid confusion with
other devices on your own network, it is possible to append a text to the device name normally dis
played in the ETS. In addition, it is also possible to make only the KNX/IP interface of the Gira S1
available for the sake of simplicity. In addition to the KNX/IP interfaces, all devices that can be loaded
directly via IP (see chapter “Accelerate transfer: Select transfer path IP”) are made known to the ETS
so that these accelerated downloads also work via remote access. For more information, see chapter
10.3 “Configuring the access options of a Gira S1”.
Gira device portal
At home
Remote maintenance / programming:
GPA / Gira S1 Windows Client,
While away
Gira S1
= encrypted
data transmission