The OpAmp that drives the positive and negative reference output pins
for each Servo axis is socketed for easy replacement incase it gets
damaged by a miswire during installation.
F) #6: 24 vdc Supply Output
(One Screw Terminal per axis for Four Screw Terminals in total)
This screw terminal (Position #6) is protected by a diode and a solid
state circuit breaker (PTC Fuse) rated for 1 amp. The PTC fuse acts as an
extremely slow blow fuse, that resets itself after whatever caused the too
much current to be drawn has been removed. You should treat each Servo
Channel as an individual, and not cross the outputs or power output lines
from one Servo Channel to the lines from another. Doing this won't cause
any damage, but can reduce the protection for the outputs that the circuit
breakers normally provide.
Use this terminal to provide power for your ServoValve and position and
Compliance Feedback sensors, if needed.
G) #7: Negative (-) ServoValve/Motor Controller Output
H) #8: Positive (+) ServoValve/Motor Controller Output
(Two Screw Terminal per axis for Eight Screw Terminals in total)
The ServoMotor/Motor Controller output is actually a pair of
complimentary 0-10 volt outputs.
If you measure the voltage across these two terminals, you will see a
swing of plus and minus 10 volts DC going to the ServoValve/Motor
If you measure between the ground terminal (position #1) and either of
the outputs, each will be a 0-10 volt signal. When one output is at zero
volts, the other will be at ten volts.
If you measure when the the actuator is not moving, you will find that
both of the outputs (measured from ground) are at five volts DC.
Measuring between the positive and negative terminals, you will see that
the voltage is measured at zero volts, as is needed to have the actuator
Typical ServoValves have a single coil with a 500
resistance (some
ServoValves have two coils with 250
each, but these are normally wired
in series to act like a single 500
coil). At plus or minus ten volts, these will
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-EFB Manual / May 22, 2018 3:28 PM / page 47 of 142