D) #4: Compliance FeedBack Input
(One Screw Terminal per axis for Four Screw Terminals in total)
This screw terminal (Position #4) is connected to the Br-EFB's sixteen
bit resolution Analog to Digital converter (ADC). This input is sampled at
approximately 100KHz.
This is where you will normally connect the output from an amplified
strain gauge or differential pressure sensor. Whether you are using a
differential pressure sensor or a strain gauge, it must be bi-directional.
Many differential pressure sensors and strain gauges are not
bidirectional, and will only work in one direction. Unless you want the
Compliance Feedback to work in only one direction, these are not suitable.
A Bi-Directional differential pressure sensor or strain gauge will have an
output voltage that sits at the mid-point of its output range when there is no
force applied (for a strain gauge) or the pressure is equal on both ports (for
a differential pressure sensor.
Physical force (or pressure) applied on one side will cause the voltage
to drop. Physical force (or pressure) applied on the other side will cause
the output voltage to rise. If your sensor doesn't do this, then it is not
The signal output from a non-amplified strain gauge or differential
pressure sensor is only a few millivolts. The Analog to Digital converter is
looking for a +/-10 vdc, 0-10 vdc, +/-5 vdc pr 0-5 volt DC signal, so your
pressure sensor or strain gauge needs to be amplified to get the signal to
a level where the can easily be measured by the Br-EFB.
E) #5: Positive (+) 10 Volt Reference
(One Screw Terminal per axis for Four Screw Terminals in total)
This screw terminal (Position #5) is the output from the positive 10 volt
reference. This is where you will normally connect the 'extended' end of a
position sensing potentiometer. The other end of the potentiometer will
normally be connected to the negative 10 volt terminal (Position #2) and
the potentiometer wiper to position feedback input (terminal #3).
This output is meant only to provide enough current to power an
external device. It can only be used as a +10 vdc reference to a
potentiometer or similar resistive load.
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-EFB Manual / May 22, 2018 3:28 PM / page 46 of 142